Blog Scoring Guide




0 points = No post made

1-3 points = Post with little content, directions not followed, many spelling and grammatical errors, title missing

4-7 points = Post with some content and at least one or two thoughtful statements, may contain several spelling and grammatical errors, directions mostly followed, title may not make sense

8-10 points = Post with rich content and several thoughtful statements, directions followed exactly, no noticeable spelling and grammatical errors, title is very appropriate

Overall Blog:

0 points = No blog found for this team

1-3 points = Blog exists but has no content or almost no content whatsoever, has very little visual appeal, and is hard to read / follow

4-7 points = Blog exists and has 50 to 70% of required content, has some visual appeal, and is not too difficult to read / follow

8-10 points = Blog exists and has 80 to 100% of required content, has definite visual appeal, and is easy to read / follow

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